The Diplomatic Activity Between the Papacy and Byzantium on the Evе of the Ferraro-Florentine Council and the Key Role in it of the Cleric Humanist Cristoforo Garatone
Diplomacy, Papacy, Byzantium, Crostoforo GaratoneAbstract
The article traces the diplomatic contacts between the Papacy and Byzantium in the period after the Council of Constance and on the eve of the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1418 – 1437). The diplomatic initiatives of Pope Eugenius IV in the person of Cristoforo Garatone (1433 – 1437) and the embassies of the Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus to the Pope and to the Council of Basel are at the centre of the study. On the basis of papal bulls and letters, Byzantine documents, regestes, etc., the study presents the Pope's initiatives towards Byzantium in an attempt to reach agreement on a council to conclude a union between the Eastern and Western Churches. On the other hand, Byzantine diplomatic activity towards the West is traced - Byzantine envoys manoeuvered between the Pope and the representatives of the conciliar movement, seeking the most favourable conditions for the Empire in an effort to achieve a union with a political goal, so that the West would help to save Byzantium from the Ottoman threat.
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