The Fatal Touch of the Daemon Lamastu




Mesopotamia, verb, phrase, description, incantation, medical text


The present paper investigates some descriptions of the touch by a particular daemon – Lamaštu. The touch, always mentioned with its consequences, is attested mainly in two groups of written sources: ritual incantations and medical writings. Special attention is dedicated to the verbs, as a main grammatical instrument for the expression of actions.
The incantations describe the touch by a great number of verbs with various meanings. Diversity is observed also in the descriptions on a higher, phraseological level. In these texts the touch is stated as the cause for a wide semantic range of tragic events like damages, unexpected death, and illnesses, which affect both the nature, and human beings, especially children. All descriptions in the spells are expressed through the use of a rich and figurative literary style, influenced by the traditions in this type of literature. The terms and phrases used here function as a part of a unified system of concepts with ritual and ethical character. Within this system, the touch is defined as a demoniac attack.
The medical texts describe the touch by the use of a lesser number of verbs with a narrower semantic range. In these sources, the descriptions of the touch on a phraseological level are expressed predominantly by two formulaic phrases, related to the hand of the daemon and her name or epithet. The touch is stated as a cause for various diseases among adults and children, marked by symptoms like unstable temperature of the body, fever, abdominal pains, thirst, continual weeping (for babies). The style of all descriptions in the medical writings is influenced by their prognostic and diagnostic nature. The terms and phrases function here as the elements of a single system of concepts as well, but its character is rather pathological and anatomical. Within this system, the touch of Lamaštu is defined as a diagnosis.
The two groups of texts express two parallel views about the activities of the daemon, because they were composed with different practical aims. Nevertheless, all sources describe the touch as a fatal act, followed by painful consequences for all its victims.


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How to Cite

Moukarzel, K. (2023). The Fatal Touch of the Daemon Lamastu. ГСУ.ИФ, 106(1), 65–86.