Policy and activities of the People's Liberal Party government in the field of culture



  • Maria Radeva Faculty of History, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski"




People's Liberal Party, Bulgaria


The policy of the Bulgarian bourgeois governments in the field of education and culture in the first decades after the Liberation occupies an important place in the civil history of Bulgaria in modern times. The specific conditions and peculiarities of cultural life in the country that had recently rejected national slavery, the relatively limited basis of Renaissance traditions and achievements, and the economic and ideological goals of the rising bourgeois class posed fundamental tasks in national cultural construction.


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How to Cite

Radeva, M. (1980). Policy and activities of the People’s Liberal Party government in the field of culture: 1903-1908. ГСУ-ИФ, 69(1), 195–222. https://doi.org/10.60053/GSU.IF.1.69.195-222