Crossmark policy
Crossmark is a multi-publisher initiative aimed at providing readers with a standard way to locate the current version of a piece of content. By incorporating the Crossmark logo, the Editorial board of Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History (GSU-IF) is demonstrating its commitment to upholding the content it publishes and promptly informing readers of any changes that may occur.
You can find the current status of a document by clicking on the Crossmark logo. You may also find additional publication record information from the registrar. Please visit the Crossmark website for further information about the service.
The CrossMark logo will only appear on current and future journal content, starting with volume 107 of GSU-IF (2024). If deemed necessary by the Editorial board, the service may be backported to previous issues of the Annual.
Policy of retraction
The Editorial board of GSU-IF is committed to upholding the integrity of the online content and publishes significant editorial corrections in accordance with the circumstances. In all cases, the original articles will be removed and replaced with a note stating the reason for the retraction and with the corrected version. In the event that plagiarism is confirmed, the entire article will be removed from the Annual and replaced with a note indicating the names of the author(s) and a description of the detected plagiarism. The author and their institution will be informed.
Policy of correction
In accordance with the GSU-IF's Editorial board commitment to upholding the integrity of the Annual's online content, all cases involving significant editorial corrections will result with the replacement of the initial articles with a revised version.
DOI: 10.60053/GSU.IF.crossmark