The People's Entente


  • Velichko Georgiev Faculty of History, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski"



The People's Entente, Bulgaria


And yet many sources on the history of the People's Congress have remained unused in previous publications, insufficient attention has been paid to its background, to its political-organizational and ideological roots, to the links and interrelations of the People's Congress with other political formations, to its ideological-political activities, to the formation and development of its platform, etc. By using more source material and in a broader1s perspective, the author of the proposed work also attempts to answer the above-mentioned questions and thus to give a fuller picture of the history of the People's Alliance, without pretending to be exhaustive in everything. This, on the one hand, and some differences in substance and in nuance from the judgments, conclusions and conclusions in relation to the People's Conspiracy that exist so far in scholarly circulation, on the other, justify the publication of this study as well.


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How to Cite

Georgiev, V. (1979). The People’s Entente. ГСУ-ИФ, 68(1), 187–271.