The Bulgarian Radical Democratic Party in the period of the post-war revolutionary crisis (1919-1923)


  • Hristo Stefanov Faculty of History, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski"



Radical Democratic Party, Bulgaria


Bashar's Radical Democratic Party was one of the political forces in public life. After the First World War, it ranked sixth among the country's political parties in terms of membership. In the period of the post-war revolutionary crisis in Bulgaria, the Radical Democratic Party, like the other leftist parties, grew several times. From 5,000 before the war it increased its membership to more than 30,000 adherents. And together with its voters in the elections, the Bulgarian Radical Democratic Party represented a considerable force of 40,000. This allowed it to increase its participation and manifestations in the political arena. The Bulgarian Radical Democratic Party continued to organize and incorporate the petty bourgeois strata and intellectuals.


Народна библиотека „Кирил и Методи" (НБКМ) - Български исторически архив (БИА), ф. 192, а. е. 2, л. 41.

Сл. Стоилов. Чрез ОФ към социализъм. - Време, бр. 53, 22 февр. 1949.

ЦПА, ф. 146, оп. 5, а.е. 3, л. 98.

Сл. Стоилов. Чрез ОФ към социализъм. - Време, бр. 53, 22 февр. 1949.

ЦДИА, единично постъпление (е. п.), 83, л. 152.

Работнически вестник, бр. 108, 19 окт. 1918.

История на България, Т. 111. С., 1964, с. 36.

П. Стоянов. За политическото положение на страната. - Радикал, бр. 259, 5 дек. 1918.

ЦПА, ф. 3, оп. 5, а.е. 92, л. 36.

Narodna biblioteka „Kiril i Metodi" (NBKM) - Balgarski istoricheski arhiv (BIA), f. 192, a. e. 2, l. 41.

Sl. Stoilov. Chrez OF kam sotsializam. - Vreme, br. 53, 22 fevr. 1949.

TsPA, f. 146, op. 5, a.e. 3, l. 98.

Sl. Stoilov. Chrez OF kam sotsializam. - Vreme, br. 53, 22 fevr. 1949.

TsDIA, edinichno postaplenie (e. p.), 83, l. 152.

Rabotnicheski vestnik, br. 108, 19 okt. 1918.

Istoria na Bulgaria, T. 111. S., 1964, s. 36.

P. Stoyanov. Za politicheskoto polozhenie na stranata. - Radikal, br. 259, 5 dek. 1918.

TsPA, f. 3, op. 5, a.e. 92, l. 36.



How to Cite

Stefanov, H. (1980). The Bulgarian Radical Democratic Party in the period of the post-war revolutionary crisis (1919-1923). ГСУ-ИФ, 69(1), 253–302.